LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify and understand the roles of the various players in real estate private equity, and why investors consider private equity real estate investment in their portfolios. Know how to raise money and structure a private equity fund. Understand the basic unleveraged valuation methodology for real estate Manage a due diligence process preceding an […]
DERIVATIVES – The Pros and Cons, Risk and Hedging Strategies

LEARNING OUTCOMES Types of derivatives – future, forwards, options and swaps Underlying markets – interest rates, equities, credit, FX and commodities Pricing of derivatives Hedging techniques Risks with derivatives Course Details Date September 21 – 22, 2023 Time 9:00 am MYT – 5:00 pm MYT Venue Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Expert Trainer David Knapp Course Overview […]
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS – A Toolkit for Interpreting Financial Markets

LEARNING OUTCOMES The philosophy and rationale behind Technical Analysis How to construct and interpret basic charts – bar, line, and candlestick charts How to perform their own technical analysis Reading demand and supply signals in the markets The difference between trend following methods and mean reversion strategies using continuation and reversal patterns The importance of […]

LEARNING OUTCOMES Identify and understand the roles of the various players in real estate private equity, and why investors consider private equity real estate investment in their portfolios. Know how to raise money and structure a private equity fund. Understand the basic unleveraged valuation methodology for real estate Manage a due diligence process preceding an […]